Children playing with clay enhances the immune
A recent study revealed that children who are allowed to play freely in the environment around them, private farms, less injury to the types of allergies that sometimes up to asthma.
And proved the study conducted by a number of researchers at the Johns Hopkins Children's Center and published in the newspaper "Daily Mail", that children who are not subject to excessive control of their parents, who are keen to keep them away from places germs, they are the most fortunate children in the face of an allergic reaction.
According to a report on the results of the study published in Allergy and Clinical Immunology Journal, early exposure to bacteria and some allergens can have a protective effect in shaping the immune responses of children.
The researcher said Robert Wood: "Our study shows that children's exposure to certain types of bacteria, allergens plays an important role in motivating and training the immune system to act in an effective manner."
The study also showed that children who spent their first year in the homes of mice and cats, have decreased the incidence of shortness of breath 3 times compared to their peers who were not exposed to these allergens materials directly after birth.
It is noteworthy that the study was conducted on 467 children from newborns in Baltimore, Boston, New York and St. Louis over the next three years.